Stagnation comes from sitting still!!!
Stagnation comes from sitting still!!! Sitting still produces cancer to Body. People can be in Church and get so busy serving, worshipping, preaching, pastoring and praying and forget about the main fulcrum of the call of the Church. Stagnation is a cancer to the heart of a believer which is the spirit of the Pharisees. […]
Don’t let idleness dull your axe WHILE WAITING.
An unused sharpened axe becomes dull over the time if sharpened and remains unused. There’s a mechanism of self-sharpening while in use, for every sharp tools being used. Likewise are the graces we receive as believers; if we get to receive those gifts and leave them unused for the good of the Body, they’d be […]
If the Church will take the next DECADE to focus on RURAL COMMUNITIES…
If the Church will take the next DECADE to focus on RURAL COMMUNITIES, to preach the Gospel, fund missionaries, plant churches they will nurture and raise disciples, many communal and societal delinquencies will drop or even stop drastically. Many of the people causing havoc in cities were raised in the quietness and ruggedness of the […]