Don’t let idleness dull your axe WHILE WAITING.

An unused sharpened axe becomes dull over the time if sharpened and remains unused. There’s a mechanism of self-sharpening while in use, for every sharp tools being used.

Likewise are the graces we receive as believers; if we get to receive those gifts and leave them unused for the good of the Body, they’d be there because the gift of GOD (basically salvation) is without repentance but if, including salvation, there are no use, we get to become dull in those areas.

Dear Fellow Young Minister,
As you wait for the next invitation so you can go and scatter ground with revs and power, why sit idle while you waste?

You have been anointed to HEAL the sick, a special grace you yourself know is resident inside of you, why wait for that Church or Ministry or even campus fellowship to invite you when there are numerous hospitals around?

You don’t need to design a flyer for that, just step in and ask to pray for the patients… You don’t need the camera neither are you playing to the gallery so that once someone is healed, you hastily snap their ‘before’ and ‘after’ then interview them. You don’t need all these things, just DO YOUR WORK and get into it.

Now, I am not encouraging hastiness without instructions but I speak to the ones who have a calling and a ministry but are always waiting for invitations before they can do the work of the Ministry or those who start ministries just to show they have grace too.

Don’t let idleness dull your axe WHILE WAITING.

May the LORD give us understanding.

Your Brother,

Peter Jerry

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